Texas Tone® custom tube guitar amplifiers are designed and built by musicians, for musicians who appreciate great tone. When you sound better, you play better. After all, Your Tone Matters!
A long-time Texas Tone® Amp enthusist, Spooky of Spellgrinder is multi-faceted guitarist, well versed in many styles, including the Metal with a Glam edge of Spellgrinder. Dubbed “American Street Metal”, SPELLGRINDER are bringing back the times where danger, desire, and drama elevated the music to epic proportions. Spooky loves his Texas Tone® 30 tube amp. While he usually reserves the Texas Tone 30 for tasty rock n’ roll, he used it for the lead parts on ‘Grimoire’, along with a Dime Distortion pedal. Spooky says, "If you’re into sweeeeeet TONE, check out Texas Tone."
Make no mistake! Ellis Bullard makes Good-time, Honky Tonk music! He calls it True Blue Honky Tonk music, and we concur. He and his band play old school Texas dance hall music. He loves his Texas Tone® 12 tube amp so much that he commissioned his own higher output version the "EB-22". Another Fender® Princeton Reverb convert, Ellis Bullard Music will prove that Honky Tonk Ain't Noise Pollution.
Veteran musician and guitar teacher J. P. Reali is well versed in blues and roots music. He is a member of The D.C. Blues Society, The Piedmont Blues Preservation Society, The Washington Area Music Association, and The Baltimore Blues Society, and received Washington Area Music Association nominations for Best Blues Instrumentalist, and Best Traditional Blues Recording.
Here is a pre-show photo of a recent show at Hilltop Crab House, featuring his Texas Tone® 30 tube amp.
Bryce Wayt is a proud member of the Texas Tone® family. An accomplished guitarist in commmand of several styles, he's an enthusiatic endorser of Texas Tone tube amplifiers. Bryce hails from California, and is giving the folks in LA a great taste of Texas Tone. Check out his Texas Tone 30 amplifier demo, and his new Bryce Wayt signature amplifier!
Long-time Radio & TV broadcast veteran Curt Lancaster loved his Texas Tone PS-150 so much that he ordered up a custom EL34 amp, the Texas Tone "Lancaster" amp. Bottom line- he loves it! "One SUPER amp!!!!!!"
Justin Ahmanson of the The Traveling Ones, an Americana band from Nashville, TN, commissoned the Ahmanson Special to help him pull his signature soulfufl slide tones with his Gibson SG at lower stage volumes. He and Emily called it Amazing tone!
and Tone for days!
They write and play their own material, featuring tight vocals and heartfelt music. It's a pleasure working with them, and they make great music together.
Guitarist Justin Ahmanson playing slide on his Gibson SG through the Texas Tone® Ahmanson Special tube amp at One-2-One bar in Austin, Texas.
Here is Chris at a recent gig in Austin, where he brought cheers from the crowd many times with his expressive guitar playing. Chris uses a Texas Tone Ranger amplifier
Photos of Texas Tone® Amps on stage.
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